Monday, June 1, 2009

Tired ...

... but satisified. Maybe not the most productive day at work but I did what I could. Got the front lawn done when I got home. And I just finished writing two book reviews for the newspaper - all in all, a productive day. Which is good since I have far too many unproductive ones! Sometime in the next week, I want to get the back yard done and start planting some vegetables and garlic. Lots of garlic - I may have gone a little overboard on it but what I've planted so far is doing very well. And I love the stuff - could eat it all the time.
I wonder if anyone has ever done a garlic tea - could be interesting.
I might plant a few flowers too - saw some pretty Gerbera daisies that would look perfect.
I am pondering the possibility of getting a Tassimo machine. I do like the occasional capuccino, although it would have to be decaf and it seems as though no decaf Tassimo products are sold in this area. I'd probably have to order online and that may mean huge shipping bills. Shipping gets you every time. Still, a decaf capuccino in the morning wouldn't be bad.
I bought some tea today - from the dollar store! It's Earl Grey in a wooden box. OK, it will probably be lousy but I have to find out for myself. Maybe I'll go check that now ....