Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bad time

Shortly after I wrote my last post, I received a call that my mother broke her hip. She died from complications two days later, and frankly, it was a horrible death. It's been an awful few days and I suspect I'll not be blogging for a while. It will take a while to understand why all of this happened.


  1. Sorry to hear about the loss of your mom.

  2. Oh Elizabeth, you are all in my prayers. I am so sorry this happened and I hope you will come to a place of understanding and acceptance. Give yourself room and time to experience all your feelings and really grieve. With you in thughts and prayers, Marlena

  3. OMG, I'm really really sorry Elizabeth {{{hugs}}} my condolences to you and your family.

  4. Thanks for your kind comments. The funeral was this evening and I think she would have approved. We even had a proper tea for her. I still can't believe she's gone - it's amazing how fast things can happen.
